Pilgrimage Press

There are presently no open calls for submissions.

Pilgrimage welcomes previously unpublished creative nonfiction, fiction, translation, and poetry submissions via Submittable and snail mail during our open calls. Please be sure to submit to the correct genre with your submission. We generally feature one artist per issue with full color artwork on the covers and black and white artwork in the magazine's interior. Send what you think might fit, regardless of whether or not it matches an upcoming themed issue. 

Simultaneous submissions are fine, provided you notify us if the work is accepted elsewhere. Our response time is approximately 8-12 weeks after the closing of an issue’s theme. Prose submissions should have a 4000 word limit, and you can send up to six poems per submission.

For snail mail submissions, please include an SASE for reply only. Unused manuscripts will be recycled. 

Juan J. Morales, Editor/Publisher

Pilgrimage Magazine

Colorado State University-Pueblo

College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

2200 Bonforte Blvd.

Pueblo, CO 81001

Pilgrimage Press